Искусство обеспечивать качество ПО в мире глобально распределенных проектов (Марк Стандивен, SECR-2014)

Материал из 0x1.tv


Mark Standeaven.jpg
Mark Standeaven

Как одна из лидирующих компаний на рынке IT услуг разработала целостные гарантии качества для распределенных проектов в сфере разработки и обслуживания программ.



The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf The Art of Assuring Software Quality in a Distributed World (Mark Standeaven, SECR-2014).pdf

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