Действуйте с вашей сильнейшей позиции лидера в сегодняшнем мире (Дэвид Голдсмит, SECR-2015)

Материал из 0x1.tv


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David Goldsmith

Whether you lead and manage within a strictly Russian-focused organization or one that has a presence in different parts of the world, you are tasked with coordinating a vast array of daily responsibilities all while driving your organization’s people and resources toward the orchestrated achievement of strategic objectives.

Juggling all of these components so that your organization is competitively strong is no small feat, especially when your industry and the world around it are in a constant state of exciting, challenging, and rapid change!

Whether your focus is on hiring highly skilled programmers or top-notch managers, overseeing exciting projects to their on-time/on-budget conclusions, overcoming social barriers to breaking into new geographic markets, or simply balancing your work and life, you need specific skills, tools, and knowledge to steer your organizational ship to desired outcomes.

Presenter David Goldsmith, author of «Paid to THINK», has designed this program to address the current needs of today’s Russian leader so that you will acquire new tools and build upon your present leadership strengths so that you can achieve more, earn more, and live more.


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